Identify nutritional deficiency or excess
Identify food sensitivities and digestive disorders
Overcome trauma, fears and phobias
Promote lifestyle change
Overcome stress, depression, and anxiety
Enhance self-esteem and self-confidence
Enhance self-acceptance and self-worth
Increase emotional resilience and goal achievement
​ Restore balance
Enhance learning
Boost sports performance
Aid the healing of muscle injuries
Reduce muscular pain and tension
Release emotional, physical, and mental stress
Reset the nervous system
Improve clarity, decision making, and motivation
​​Pin-point and eliminate allergic reactions (IMRs)
Applied Kinesiology (AK) fundamental premise is that the body has an innate wisdom and healing ability. Each system, cell, and atom in the body is in constant communication, working together seamlessly to maintain optimum well-being. By tapping into the body’s innate wisdom through interoception, applied kinesiology provides a holistic approach to identifying and resolving imbalances, promoting overall health and well-being. Because daily life stressors often disrupt this internal communication, leading to a decline in overall health, kinesiology uses muscle testing as a tool to assess imbalances in the body, identify the bottom-line causes of the systems' malfunction and guide non-invasive therapeutic interventions to achieve optimal health.
Initial research began in the 1960’s when Dr. George Goodheart DC, discovered that muscle testing could be used to gather information from the body. This energy balancing approach grounded in the study physiology and anatomy, Chinese medicine and western knowledge, focuses on prevention, rehabilitation programs, and lifestyle changes specifically designed for each client.
This holistic approach addresses the individual as a whole, giving equal emphasis to all sides of the Triad of Health, which includes: mental, emotional, spiritual, structural, physical, chemical, and nutritional aspects of the self. Applied Kinesiology aims to restore overall balance, vitality, harmony, and well-being while minimising levels of stress. Moreover, Kinesiology empowers individuals to become active participants in their own healing journey by tuning into their body's internal feedback mechanisms, individuals can deeper self-awareness and gain a sense of agency over one's mental, physical and emotional health.​
Let your body guide you
Let's release, reset and restore!
Applied Physiology
Aromatic Kinesiology
Body & Soul
Counselling Kinesiology
Cranial Kinesiology
Professional Kinesiology Practitioner (PKP)
Reflexes Kinesiology
Touch for Health (TFH)
Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology
Integrated Healing